
Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I have tried many times to give this piece its name. It says a lot about how I feel as a woman in the 'wife' role. It is one of those double edged swords. One side loves being wife, mother; the other side detests the isolation of it all. -like the feeling of being terribly and inconspicuously alone in a crowd. -Help!

I have called my painting, BROKEN, INVISIBLE, WIFE, and a few others but I don't seem to be happy with them and the painting does not feel 'settled' with those names either. The jury is still out on this one.

What do you think? Send me a title.

Thoughts: I painted this during the holiday season in 2008. I was feeling left out and invisible and it disturbed me terribly and made me miserably sad.

You see, I am the sort of person that gives my all to anyone who requests my attention, especially my friends and loved ones.

I won't watch TV, pay bills, or amuse myself on the Internet when someone is talking to me. I find it the pinnacle of rudeness to do this. This courtesy is never extended to me. It's unsettling -And so the painting came about.

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